Most of the time is spent by us doing nothing productive and only planning what we desire .(may be you are an exception ). So once, i was planning about, what would I be like five years later?? and then the answers like I will go to gym and build my body like Jay Cutler in 5 years ,read lots of books learn a lot of new things , write about the experiences that teach me something daily and then will become perfect …amazed me.( yeah i know i wont be nearing Jay cutler even in next 50 years )
I thought for a while, that I was the best planner in the world until I read Paulo Coelho’s “ The Alchemist” .It had a young boy who knew his destiny ( to get the treasure ).It made me feel ‘ If that guy knows the purpose he is born for …he may probably get to it... but what about me and all the people around me ,and all the poeple around them …??Do they know why they are born ? What is that job for which we are created ?What is the assignment given to us before the deadline ?Completing which we would reach our destiny ? This enigma drove me …i wanted to ask people but they were too busy .Yet managed to reach some conclusion with a friend which was satisfying to me .Mr. Jay Cutler |
At looking around (i was in Mumbai-the busiest city) I saw people are just rushing to offices, honking horns from their cars because they wanted to reach somewhere .( why were they running) running to work so ultimately I thought they were all running behind money. But then , getting money wont be the REASON why all of us are created , are we ?( loads of thoughts) and then it struck me: In disguise of earning money we are all unknowingly working for a CAUSE.
Explanation time: For Eg. take a person say Mukesh Ambani , now he has a big industrial empire and there are thousands of people working under him .Take any other billionare and they have a large army of educated people toiling for them .So take any employee of Mukesh’s firm and lets ask a simple question. Why the people around this employee are born.So lets assume this employee is a MBA named Ramu.(Yes i am an Engineer so expect assumptions ahead )Why Ramu’s family physician is born ? its obvious so that Ramu stays healthy so that he attains his destiny. Why is Ramu,s wife born ? to keep him happy and make him food and etc , while Ramu attains his destiny.Why are Ramus college teachers born ? To educate Ramu so that he reaches his destiny being a literate (makes things easier if you are literate)Why Shah rukh Khan is born ? to entertain Ramu and not let him get bored or depressed while reaching his destiny .and the list goes on……… in which i could possibly find everyone right from the Ramu's doodhwala and his cow to the NASA scientists which were providing at-least satellite images to Ramu on internet. And the most beautiful thing is that everyone was interlinked and was working for Ramu in some way directly and the others were supporting the ones who were helping Ramu directly for eg. Shah rukh’s gym trainer was training ShahRukh to get fitter so that Ramu gets entertained .. ( I could surprisingly relate all the people in the world with this guy Ramu)
The bottom-line : What the heck was Ramu’s born for ? to make Mukesh Ambani richer. Then why is Mukesh Ambani created ? no not for Ramu !!! ( dont draw a viscous circle around your thoughts,let them flow) Why are these billionares created ? Why are the hierarchically most powerful people created?(we can assume the others are to support them)
The verdict :After so much of thought process in my small mind i can say that ,ultimately we all the humans are created to do 1 mysterious thing ( lets assume its name )SUKHAYA .It is the same Ultimate reason 'SUKHAYA" for which Americans, French, Italians, Germans , Indians as well as Pakistanis and all remaining population are working for . We are all created to serve the single purpose and that itself is the reason of our creation. Whenever I see out of my train window, I can sense the 1000 yrs old trees and stones asking me … cmon humans we are standing under scorching heat of the sun and we have no umbrella to protect ourselves from these rains but we exist for you to reach Sukhaya…we are also playing a passive role .... do it faster idiots!!( You can also feel it when you travel .. grab the window seat)
I feel , a few chosen ones will complete this purpose and the rest of all humans would be destined to help these chosen ones reaching SUKHAYA (you are in one of these two categories) .The creator is waiting …..he is creating more and more people …...people who are more smart ...not just to invent new technologies ......but so that atleast one of us can solve this puzzle of life and figure out Sukhaya .
The creator.estimated that humans will reach Sukhaya till 2012 , and then ,the creator had planned to shut down his PC .
SO why are terrorists created ? to slow down Sukhaya ? may be the creator has now planned to postpone the date of shutdown from 2012 .....what is Sukhaya ? still remains a mystery to me .
We all are ultimately going to cause the same thing to happen, so, stop pulling each other and help each other if you want to witness Sukhaya .
What do you think?Its easy to comment...rather than always running behind money making ---------------------->